- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of the Rein-deer, the Tame as well as the Wild: Treatment of tame
Rein-deer, and the various Advantages which the Laplander derives
from them—In this Section mention is made, incidentally, of the
Time about the Winter Solftice, when the Sun never rifes above the

Horizon; and about the Summer Solftice, when it never fets.

HE rutting feafon of the rein-deer begins about the clofe of
autumn, and the female brings forth her fawns in the
fpring of the year. The oldeft and ftrongeft buck, called by the
Laplanders aino-va/do, ufually drives away all the others, and re-
mains the general hufband of the herd.

It has been a notion that the hinds, or female deers, can only
bring forth in ftormy weather, which commonly prevails about
the feed-time, and which from thence has obtained the name
given it by the Norwegians, of rein-kalve-rein, or fawning feafon :
but this, Mr. Leems informes us, is no more than a vulgar pre-
judice ; for thefe animals, he obferves, produce their young indif-
ferently, like all other four-footed beafts. Some of the hinds
bear annually; thefe are called a/do: others named koduo every
other year; and fome that are denominated Jtainak, are barren.
As foon as the female has fawned fhe lofes her horns. The fawns


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