- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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of the Laplanders, are never houfed during the whole year: in
fummer they find plenty of grafs, and in winter they live chiefly
on the white mofs before mentioned. In fome parts of Norway
thefe animals are ufed inftead of horfes, and are there kept in ftalls
during the winter. The rein-deer is particularly fond of man’s
urine, and will greedily lick up the fnow whereon it has fallen.
It is likewife faid that they hunt after a particular kind of mice,
of which they eat the heads only: their drink in winter is col-
le@ed from the fnow, which they gather as they pafs along when
drawing the fledges.

The greateft enemy of the rein-deer is the wolf, and it requires
the utmoft diligence and circumfpection of the people to guard
and defend their herds againft the infidious attacks of this invete-
rate and cunning foe. They endeavour to affright and keep him
off by means of ftakes driven into the earth, having pieces of worn-
out and tattered tunicks and other garments hanging on them :
but it is chiefly during any violent ftorm that they have occafion
to be moft vigilant; for at that time this depredator is on the look-
out for an opportunity to invade the timorous herd: in the mo-
ment of alarm, every one of the Laplanders houfehold is then put
in motion, fome to look to the rein-deer, whilft others make a loud
noife by beating with fticks againft a fledge, brought without the
tent for that purpofe: and, indeed, there is a neceffity for the
greateft precaution on the part of the Laplanders, becaufe the tame
rein-deer is fo fimple an animal, that if not carefully protected, it
becomes an eafy prey to the wolf. No fooner is that voracious

Cree beaft

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