- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of the Wandering Laplanders, and their Migrations.

HE maritime Laplanders only change their habitations twice
a year, that is to fay, in fpring and autumn: in doing this
they leave their huts ftanding until their return; but this rule is
not obferved by the mountain Laplander, who, like the ancient
Scythians, or the modern Tartars and Arabs, is continually wan-
dering from place to place. In the middle of fummer the moun-
tain Laplanders, with their families and herds, move towards the
fea-coaft, and on the approach of autumn, return to the moun-
tains. Their progrefs is but flow, for they do not proceed above
four Englifh miles each day, and the whole extent of their migra-
ticn from the fea-coaft to the borders of Swedifh Lapland, does
not exceed thirty. When arrived there, they may be faid to be
ftationary ; becaufe afterwards they only remove to fhort diftances,
as occafion requires, from one hill or wood to another. As foon
as winter is paffed away, they feek the fea-coaft in the fame
lcifurely manner, until they reach the fpot which they have def-
tined for their fummer refidence.
On the road by which they pafs to the fea-coaft, the mountain
Laplanders confiruct a fort of hovel for the purpofe of depofiting


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