- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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of Lapland. Their fur is in general of a yellow or tawny colour,
but fome are whitifh. The Laplanders often fhoot the wolves,
but more frequently catch them in traps: the {kins are dried for

The fox is an animal of which Finmark produces a variety, and
in the greateft numbers. Some of them are red, others red with
a black crofs; others quite black, and fome black with long hairs
on the back, which are of a filver colour at their extremities.
The fkins of thefe laft, well known by the name of the /ier-
haired fox, are greatly valued all over Europe; and, by an order
iffued in 1652, were referved for his Danifh Majetty’s ufe only.
At prefent they are fold to any purchafer, and chiefly to the Ruf-
fian merchants, who import them into their own country, where
they are employed to ornament the drefles of the firft perfonages
of the Ruffian empire. Befides thefe already fpecified, there are
found white foxes with black ears and feet, having white tails
with black hairs intermixed. The fox is traced in the fnow, and
followed by the Laplander till within gun fhot. Sometimes he
is decoyed to a {pot where flefh has been buried under the fnow
with a view of alluring him; and while he is eagerly digging
for the bait which he has fcented, the hunter from his conceal-
ment fires upon him. This kind of chafe is ufually practifed in
the night when the moon fhines, or by the light of the aurora
borealis, which is peculiarly bright in this climate. The fox is
likewife dug out of his earth; and a variety of ftratagems and
devices are called in aid to bring him into the power of his per-

6 fecutors ;

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