- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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The glutton climbs up a tree, and when he fees a deer within his
teach, he leaps up its back, and faftens himfelf by his teeth and
claws until he has killed the animal) The glutton is charged
with a moft extraordinary pertinacity of appetite, and is faid to
eafe his ftomach when overloaded, by {queezing out its contents
between two trees; after which he falls to eating again, and con-
tinues the like practice as long as any part of his prey remains un-
eaten. ‘This curious circumftance refpecting the glutton is a tale
that has been often told, and derived from ancient times, yet does
not on that account deferve the more credit. The better and
more probable opinion is, that this animal having been efpied be-
tween two trees, in order, by rubbing againft them, to relieve the
itching of his fkin, it has been fuppofed that he had placed him-
felf there for the purpofe before-mentioned; and hence this
{tory has taken its rife, and feems to have given name to the
beaft. The glutton is moreover accufed of robbing thofe repofi-
tories we have already defcribed, in which the Laplanders {tore
the venifon intended for their fummer emigration; but this
is a theft which, unlefs there is evidence that the animal was
caught in the fact, is as chargeable to the wolf or fox, both of
them of great notoriety as dexterous thieves, and confefledly here
in great numbers. The {kin of the glutton fetches a great price,
and is ufed for muffs and the linings of coats. From the {kin of
the legs, the Lapland women cut out patterns for gloves, which

they work with tinfel after their fafhion.
The beaver is found in feveral parts of Finmark by the fide of

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