- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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fhus up its entrance, and prevents the animal’s egrefs. The Lap-
landers give to the beaver the name of majeg.

Otters abound in Finmark, where they are called by the Lap-
Janders zhjevres, a name which is applicable to the male as well as
female of this animal. There are three {pecies or varieties of the
otter, as, 1ft. The fea-otter, called by the Norwegians the hav, or
brem-otter ; the fur of this otter is coarfe, and its colour a pale
yellow: thefe are very common, and the price of a {kin is a Danifh
crown. 2d. The bay-otter, called in Norway the ford-otter, and
fo named becaufe found in the bays and harbours: this otter is
{maller, and his fur brighter than the former, and of a blackifh
colour ; a {kin of this otter will produce three Danifh half crowns.
3. The frefh-water-otter, called in Norway vas-ofter, having a
white breaft and raven-coloured back. The {kin of this otter is
worth five Danifh half crowns, and often more. The otter is
eafily tamed, and may be trained to catching fifh for the benefit
of its mafter; and notwithftanding it is but a {mall animal itfelf,
it is able to feize and bring a large cod-fifh to fhore. Whilft this
animal is feeding, he conftantly keeps his eyes fhut, which enables
the hunter to approach him until he is within gun-fhot. Befides
fhooting, the Laplander takes the otter in {nares and traps, and
fells the {kins to the Ruffian merchants, who make confiderably
more than cent. per cent. by difpofing of them again in Tartary.

The coaft of Finmark abounds with feals, which are found
there of various fizes: the skins of fome kinds are black, of others
white, and of fome of both colours mixed. There are likewife


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