- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of the Amphibious Animals, the Fifhes and Fifheries.

F we would ‘ftrictly follow the arrangement of Linnzus, we
fhould now fpeak of the amphibious animals in Lapland, before
we come to treat of the fifhes and the fifheries. However the
amphibious tribe is by no means numerous, as it only confifts of
the lacerta palufiris, and, we may perhaps add, the petromyzon flu-
viatilis. The lacerta paluftris is found in feveral other places be-
fides Lapland. There are fo many fabulous accounts of this ani-
mal among the inhabitants of the North, that one may eafily be
mifled by the different {tories that are related of it: they, for in-
ftance, tell you, that it lives in the water; that it frequently
bounds up from the water, or the furface of a lake, and fettles on
the branch of a tree; that there it begins to laugh, or to make a
noife like that of a man’s laughing; and fo on. But thefe won-
derful tales would probably vanith before the enquiring eye of an
attentive obferver. The petromyzon fluviatilis follows in fpring,
when it begins to thaw, the courfe of the rivers, and becomes the
prey of the co/ymbi, and other water-fowls.
The rivers in Finmark contain great plenty of falmon in the
feafon; and on the coaft are found cod, hake, ling, haddocks,


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