- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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by the Englifh fifhmongers, to whom it never comes but in a
pickled ftate. The Laplanders take the cod and torfke by hne
and hook only, but in fome diftricts of Norway they are caught
with nets. They are found on different parts of the coaft at dif-
ferent feafons, but are never known wholly to forfake it; accord-
ingly the time of fifhing for them varies with the place. The
cod and torske, which are taken in the winter, are carefully piled
up as they are caught, in buildings conftructed for the purpofe,
having their fides open and expofed to the air. Here they re-
main frozen until the following fpring, when the weather be-
coming milder, they are removed to another building of a like
conftruction, in which they are prepared for drying. ‘The heads
are cut off, the entrails taken out, and the remainder hung up in
the air. Fifth caught in the fpring are immediately conveyed to
the fecond houfe, and dried in the above manner. The fifh thus
cured, from their round and {tiff fhape, receive the names of
rund-ffk, or frock fi/k, and are known to us by the laft name, viz.
Stock fifh. The cod, torfke, ling, &c. caught in the fummer feafon,
on account of the warmth of the weather, are only to be preferved
by the common methods of curing with falt. The merchants
who purchafe ftock-fifh attend to the brightnefs of the colour, and
obferve that the flefh be not foft and fpongy, both which defects
are occafioned by the unfavourable ftate of the atmofphere at the
time of exficcation.

Herrings are found in thefe feas in immenfe profufion, but the
Laplanders have neither nets nor {kill to take them; accordingly


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