- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Phryganea Phalenoides.

Tenthredo Lucorum.

Tenthredo Fafciata.

Tenthredo Vitellina.

Sirex Gigas, Sirex Camelus: both {pecies are alfo found more to
the fouthward.

Apis Alpina,

Apis Arética,

Apis Lapponica,

Apis Equefiris, &c.

Gfirus Tarandi,

Cfirus Nafalis.

Tabanus Tarandinus.

Culex Pipiens.
ri ee? ] The air {warms with them, when the
Culex Pulicaris. P ;
: weather is fine.
Culex Reptans. J
Empis Borealis.
Onifcus Pfora.

‘ On the coaft on Norway.
Onifcus Entomon. j y

Note. There are fome fpecies of Geometra and Tinea in Lap-

land; but I do not know their names.

I fhall now add the effential characters of the infects exhibited
upon the annexed plates, as they are defcribed by that acute and
diligent naturalift, Dr. Quenzel.


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