- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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. Leptura Thoracica : nigra, thorace fanguineo.

. Bombyx Lapponica: alis omnibus ferrugineis, maculis tranf-

verfis flavis fufco inclufis.



. Papilio Sophia: alis omnibus integris, fufco ferrugineis, anticis

fupra ocellis tribus, anteriori gemino luteis pupilla

nigra ; inferioribus fubtus punéto medio albo.

. Papilio Sophia : underfide.

Tinea Leucomella: atra; capite, thoracis medio, fafciis tribus,

bafi ciliifque alarum, annulifque pedum, albis.

. Dytifcus Alpinus - flavefcens ; thorace maculis, elytrif{que ftriis

abbreviatis, maculifque marginalibus nigris.

. Silpha Tomentofa: nigra, obfcura ; elytris rugofis ; capite, tho-

raceque albido, densé tomentofis.

Coccinella Lapponica : flava ; thoracis medio, elytrorumque fu-
turd dentata, linedque flexuosa, cum futura bis coé-
unte, nigris.

Note. This fpecies is not defcribed in Paykull’s Fauna ;
for it is neither the Coccinella Arética of that author,
nor his Hyperborea, which is reprefented upon the an-
nexed plate, fig. 7, nor any other. It is therefore
wanting in that work.

Coccinella Hyperborea : coleoptris luteis ; fafciis duabus abbre-
viatis, nigris flayo cinétis; thorace flavo, migro ma-


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