- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Guide by Mr. Engeftrom, p. 36, 37. Siliceous Shiftus
(Sw. Kifelfkifer).
‘Moriatic Genus. Shiffofe Tale? (Sw. Tallkfkifer). Potftone
(Sw. Tallgften ; Lat. Lapis Ollaris). Chlorite. Steatites
(Sw. Spackften), Amiantus. Afbeftus, of fundry fpecies.
ArGiLLacgzous Genus. Trap (Sw. & Germ. Trapp). Mica
(Sw. & Germ. Glimmer) white and black.
AGGREGATED Srones: (Sw. Hiillearter). Norka or Murk/ien,
compofed of Mica or Potftone, with Garnet.* Shiflo/e
| Mica (Sw. Glimmertkifer or Hiillften) confifting of
Quartz and Mica. Shiffofe Clay? (Sw. Lertkifer)+

2. Metals.

Copper: Copper Pyrites (Sw. Koppar kis). Blue Copper ore (Sw.
Koppar Lazur; Germ. Kupfer Lazur). Mountain Blue
(Sw. Bergblatt; Germ. Bergblau; Fr. Bleu de mon-
tagne). Mountain Green (Sw. Berggront ; Fr. Verd de

Iron: Swampy Iron ore (Sw. Myrmalm; Germ. Sumpferz; Fr.
mine de fer limoneufe).

Leap: Galena (Sw. Blyglans; Germ. Bleyglanz; Fr. Galénc)
of many variations in texture and mixture, even with
pyrites of brown iron.

ZinK: Blende, which is Zink mineralifed by fulphur with iron.

* Kirwan puts quartz, mica, garnet. See Elem. of Mineral. vol. i. p. 345.
+ Kirwan claffés this under the argillaceous genus. See yol. i. p. 182.

Mm2 3. Petri-

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