- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Of the Difeafes to which the Laplanders are fubject?, and the Reme-
dies they ufe—Of their Funerals.

HE fmall-pox has at times proved very fatal in Lapland, but
has not made its appearance there for many years. In ge-
neral the Laplanders enjoy the beft pofiible ftate of health, and
excepting the head-ach, and a few flight diforders, may be faid to
be free from difeafes. Inward complaints they pretend to cure by
fwallowing the blood of the feal and rein-deer as warm as poffible.
The tooth-ach they likewife relieve by drinking the feal’s blood:
this is but alate remedy, for formerly they knew no other appli-
cation than a fplinter from a tree ftruck with lightning, with
which the difeafed tooth was to be touched. It is remarkable
that the teeth of the Laplanders are often corroded by worms,
and that in a manner unknown to the inhabitants of other cli-

Their method of cure for a difeafe of the eyes, called the pin and
zweb, which is an imperfect ftage of a cataract, is fingular and cu-
rious, and hence is recommended by the miffionary to the Danifh
faculty of phyficians: it is effected by the introduétion of the fe-
diculus humanus (common loufe) within the eyelids, which, by

, its

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