- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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way, and another named Kraka prepared a mefs of pottage of
fuch admirable virtue, that it would have rendered his fon Rollo
wife and eloquent, if, unfortunately for him, it had not been in-
tercepted and eaten up by his younger brother Eric, who thereby
obtained the benefit defigned for his elder brother, and afterwards
got the crown for himfelf. In fhort, there would be no end of
reciting the various ftories which ancient writers have left of the
magicians, male as well as female, in paft times. Mr. Leems
therefore confines his narrative to the prefent {tate of the magic
art in Lapland.

The vifible inftrument of magic, as now practifed in Lapland,
is the runic drum; and the invifible agents employed in this are
called ganic flies. The miffionary fhews the ufe made of each of
thefe, and gives fome account of the Noaaid, or regular bred ma-.
gician, together with the juoige, or fong of incantation ufed by
him, and the method he takes to reftore loft property to its right

The runic drum, which may be confidered as a compendium
of Lapland paganifm, has the appearance of the head of a com-
mon drum, the wooden frame of which is hung round with brafs
rings fo clofe together, that they ftrike and rattle upon the leatt
touch of the inftrument. Upon the fkin which is ftretched over
the drum certain characters are painted, reprefenting the Radien,
or Lapland Jupiter, with the reft of the deities, of whom an ac-
count is given in a preceding fection, befides other myftical figures
of animals, &c. to the number of forty-five fymbols. On fome

6 drums

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