- Project Runeberg -  Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, in the years 1798 and 1799 / II /

(1802) [MARC] Author: Giuseppe Acerbi
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Mutto daft erit daakkaa
Mailme kietzhjai mannat,
Ja don kalkak dai

Pazhjatallah, dacheke jetzhja lakai heewanet.

Accurfed wolf! far hence away!
Make in thefe woods no longer ftay :
Fly hence! and feek earth’s utmoft bounds,

Or perifh by the hunter’s wounds.

The method taken by the Noaaid to recover ftolen goods is no
more than this. He comes into the tent where he has reafon to
fufpect the thief is to be found, and pouring a quantity of brandy
into a difh, which then reflects the features of any perfon looking
into it, he makes a number of grimaces over it, and appears to
confider it with very great attention. After fome length of time
employed in this way, he takes the fufpected Laplander afide,
charges him with the fact, declares that he faw his face plainly
figured to him in the difh, and threatens to let loofe a fwarm of
ganic flies upon him, who fhall torment him until he makes ref-
titution. Thus does the magician work upon the fears and ap-
prehentfions of the fufpected perfon, who, if he be the real thief,
never fails to replace whatever he has ftolen with the fame fecrecy
as he took it away.

The egregious folly of believing that certain perfons were en-
dowed with fupernatural power, and that they were aflifted by
invifible fpirits, was univerfal foon after the eftablifhment of


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