- Project Runeberg -  Antiquarisk tidsskrift / udg. af det Kongelige nordiske oldskrift-selskab / 1855-1857 /

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1857 og Mémoires relatifs å la guerre de sticcession de 1706-1709
et 1711 de Sicco van Goslinga, pnbliés par CJ. A. Evertsz et G. H.
M. Delprat. Leeuwarden 1857. — Advocat, Dr\ juris J. Dirks i
Leeuwarden, hans: Nieowe Bijdragen tot de Penningkunde van
Friesland n<> I-X. Te Workum 1858 og Monnaies anciennes
trou-vées en Frise. Bruxelles 1858. — Videnskabernes Selskab i Utrecht,
dets: Aanteekingen van het verhandelte in de sectievergaderingen.
1845-1856 med flere Skrifter af C. H. D. Buys Ballot, F. W. C.
Krecke og O. van Rees. Catalogus der Tentoonstelling van voor
Nederland belangrijke Oudbeden en Merkwaardigheden in de Stad en
Provincie Utrecht voorhanden. Utrecht 1857. 4. — Selskabet for
Nederlandsk Literatur i Leyden, dets: Handelingen der jaarlijksche
algemeene vergadering 1856 og Nieowe Reeks van Werken IX.
(Woordenboek op de Gedichten van G. Az. Bredero, door A. C.
Oudemans, Sr.) Te Leiden 1857

STORBRITANNIEN OG IRLAND. The Society of Antiquaries
of London, dets: Archaelogia, or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to
Antiquity, vol. XXXV12, XXX VH*. London 1857. 4, Proceedings
vol. Hl, no 43-46. List of Members. — The Royal Geographical
Society of London, dets: Journal XXUI-XXVII 1855-575 General
Index to the second ten volumes of the Journal 1853. Proceedings

1855-58. Address at the Anniversary Meeting 26th May 1856 by
F. W. Beechey. — The Numismatic Society: The Numismatic
Chron-icle, edited by John Yonge Åkerman and W. S. W. Vaux 1855
April, 1856 Jan. — Rev. Joseph Bosworth, D.Dhans Udgave af:
A Descriplion of Europe, and the Voyage of Ohthere and Wulfstan,
written in Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred the Great; containing, — a
Facsimile Copy of the whole Anglo-Saxon text from the Cotlon
Ma-nuscript, and also from the first part of the Lauderdale Manuscript,

— a printed Anglo-Saxon text, based upon these Manuscripts, and
a literal English Translation and Notes. London 1855 fol. (only 75
copies printed). — Rev. William C. Lukis i Marlborough, hans:
An Account of Cburch Bells; with some notices of Wiltshire Bells
and Bell-Founders. London 1857. — John Brown, Esq., hansReview:
The North-West Passage, and the Plans’ for the search for Sir John
Franklin. London 1858. — Charles Roach Smith, Esq., hans:
Col-lectanea antiqua. Etchings and Notices of Ancient Remains
illustrative of tbe Habits, Customs, and History of Past Ages. 114, IV4.
London 1857. — Joseph Mayer, Esq., i Liverpool, hans: History
of the Art of Pottery in Liverpool. 1855. A Catalogue of the
drawings, miniatures, cameos, and other objects of art, illustrative
of the Bonaparte Family in the collection of John Mather, Esq.

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