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and for many others who came from long distances to get
treatment. The doors were seldom closed so long as there
was room for anyone. Here there were large, clean, airy
rooms where the patients lay in clean white sheets on comfort
able iron bedsteads. The house had previously been a
barracks. Wc were shown round by the efficient young
Armenian doctors, each of whom was in charge of a separate
ward, one for surgical cases, the other for internal diseases.
It was pathetic to witness the gratitude of the patients,
who would kiss the doctor’s hands while he attended to them.
There was a man lying there who had been operated upon for
cataract. He had not been able to see for several years, and
now the bandage was to be removed from one eye for the
first time since the operation. He had lost the other eye a
long time before by an accident. It was an exciting moment.
The bandage was undone and removed. The doctor held
his hand in front of the man’s eye. Yes, he could see it !
And seizing the hand he kissed it.
After they had witnessed some of these wonderful opera
tions, of which they had previously been afraid, the patients
were ready to submit to anything in their absolute faith in
the doctors. Wc saw a remarkable case of a boy with epilepsy.
The fits had become more and more frequent, until at length
they came on every second hour, and he seemed to be doomed
to death. As a last desperate remedy the surgeon, Dr. Evans,
opened the whole top of the skull to make more room and
relieve the pressure on the bram. From that time the boy
had not had a single attack. It was not very long since the
operation, so nothing could yet be said for certain as to how
things would go ; but for the time being the boy had no pain
and looked pleased and happy.
In the afternoon wc visited the Seversky Community, where
wc were enthusiastically welcomed by the four thousand girls,
all dressed in their best, who lived there, and were of all
ages from two or three years upwards. It was encouraging
to see all those happy, radiant faces, and to notice the way
they gathered round and clung to Miss MacCay, the head of
the institution. Wc saw the big dormitories where they slept,
with the beds in long rows and in two storeys ; also where
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