- Project Runeberg -  Norway and Sweden. Handbook for travellers /

(1889) [MARC] Author: Karl Baedeker
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10. Map of the Central Part nf the Sognefjord (1:600,000):
between pp. 108, 109.

11. Map of Jotunheim (1: 500,000): between pp. 132, 133.

12. Map of the Nordfjord and its Surroundings (1:500,000):
between pp. 168, 169.

13. Map of the Moldefjord and its Branches (1: 500,000):
between pp. 200, 201.

14. Map of the North- West and North Coast of Nonvay
(1 : 1,500,000), 1st Sheet: between pp. 230, 231.

15. Map of the North - West and North Coast of Norway
(1 : 1,500,000), 2nd Sheet: between pp. 242, 243.

16. Map of the Estuary of the Göta-Elf(i : 100,000): p. 290.

17. Map of the Trollhätta Falls (1 : 24,000): p. 291.

18. Map of the Djurgård near Stockholm (1 : 25,000): p. 342.

19. Map of the Environs of Stockholm (1:100,000): between
pp. 342, 343.

20. Map of the Saltsjö from Main a to Vaxholm, to the E. of
Stockholm (1 : 100,000): p. 352.

21. Map of the Banks of the Sund (1 : 500,000): p. 392.

22. General Map of S. Sweden (1 :2,000,000) : after the Index.

23. Key Map of Norway and Sweden, showing the Maps of the
Handbook : after the Vocabulary.

N., S., E., W. = north,
northern ; south, southern; east,
eastern ; west, western.

M. = Norwegian mile in
Norway (1 Norw. M. = 7 Engl.
M.)l and Swedish mile in
Sweden (1 Sw. M. = 63/4Engl.
M., nearly), unless the
contrary is stated.


R., B., D., S., A. = room,
breakfast, dinner, supper,

R. also = Route.

Kr., «. = crowns and «re in

O. = öre, the form used in

Ft. = English feet.

As the metrical system has been adopted in both Norway and
Sweden, the distances are usually given in kilometres (1 Kill =
0,621 Engl. M.; comp, the Table before the title-page), though
the old reckoning by miles is still common in parts of Norway,
one Norwegian mile being reckoned as 3 hrs. walking or 2 hrs.
driving. A Norwegian sea-mile is = 4 Engl, sea-miles. On
railway - routes the distances are generally reckoned from the
starting-point of the journey, while on steamboat-routes and
high-roads the distances from station to station are given as more

Asterisks (*) are used as marks of commendation.

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