- Project Runeberg -  Norway and Sweden. Handbook for travellers /

(1889) [MARC] Author: Karl Baedeker
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19 Kil. Skogstad (1885 ft.; a fair station, the landlady speaks
English), a few min. to the right of the road, on the other side of
the stream, is a good starting-point for a visit to Jotunheim (R. 17).
From this point to the next station there is a steep ascent of nearly
1400 ft., and the road is unpleasantly hilly at places, especially
to persons descending. The scenery now loses its grand
mountainous character.

By making a slight digression from the high-road at Skogstad (about
S hrs.; guide necessary! a magnificent * View may he obtained. The
path passes the farms of Opdnl, Elbjørg, and Flaten on the S. slope of
the hill, and crosses the Horntind (ca. 4625 ft.; panorama in the
yearbook of the Norwegian Tourist Club for 1884), and descends to the 8. to
the Opdalstele or to the Hagesrrt-Sa-Ur in the valley of the Bjørdøla.
We cross this stream and proceed to the S. to the high-road to Xystuen.
The top of the hill commands a very striking survey of the Tvin Lake
and the mountains of the Koldedal and Melkedal, with several
considerable glaciers.

11 Kil.(pay for 17) Nystuen(3250 ft.; *Station, often crowded
in the height of summer, moderate charges), which resembles on a
small scale some of the large Alpine hospices, stands on the harren
Fillefjetd, above the Utrovand (3235 ft.). To the N. rises the
Stugunøs (see below), to the E. the Borrenøs (4870 ft.). The
landscape presents the desolate and somewhat monotonous
character possessed by most of the higher Norwegian mountains. The
gaard, an unpretending group of buildings, is partly supported by
government as a ‘■Fjeldstue’, or mountain refuge (comp. p. 207),
and is chiefly important in winter, when travellers have
frequently been rescued from danger by the bravery of its inmates.
(Knud Systuen, the father of the present landlord, was presented
y\ith the Norwegian silver medal ‘for Borgerdaad’, i.e. for an act
of heroism.) As the most violent winds blow from "W. to E., all
the buildings are erected with their narrower sides to the W.,
in order to present the smallest possible surface to the storms.
— Route to Jotunheim, see p. 138.

The Stugunøs (4825 ft.) may be ascended from Xystuen in 3 hrs.
(there and back) by following the brook to the W. of the station and then
going eastwards. Or the ascent may be made from Xystuen direct
(somewhat steep). In either case a guide is unnecessary. The summit
commands an uninterrupted survey of the Jotunheim range, from the
Horunger on the W. to the Sletmarkhø on the E. — To the S. of Xystuen
rises the Suletind (5805 ft.), an imposing mountain-top, 8 Kil. distant.
On this mountain Lapps may sometimes be seen tending a herd of
several hundred reindeer. The excursion thither from Xystuen and back
takes 5-6 hrs., presenting no difficulty; or the ascent may be combined
with the journey to Mavistuen by leaving the high-road at the Kirkesløl,
a sæter a little beyond Xyslnen . and following the old road (den gamle
Vei) to the S. Before Kirkestøl the traveller requires to ford at about
knee-deep the rapid brook.

From Xtstuex to Aardal (12-13 hrs.; guide desirable). The
bridlepath, which is very rough and fatiguing at places, ascends, gradually at
first, leading between two small lakes, to the watershed of the Fillefjeld
(4V2-5 hrs.), which commands a magnificent view of Jotunheim, the
Suletind, the Jostedalsbræ. and other mountains and glaciers. In descending
towards the X. we pass the Sletterust, a fisherman’s hut to the W. of
the Torholmenvand, from which the Aavdøla issues. (From Sletterust to

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