- Project Runeberg -  Norway and Sweden. Handbook for travellers /

(1889) [MARC] Author: Karl Baedeker
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indentations, reminding the traveller of tlie dolomite mountains
in Tyrol. The grandest part of the scenery is on the side
opposite Standal {p. 175), where the Molaupsfjeld raises its mighty
head. To the S. a huge ravine extends to the Tussenuten (4200ft.).
The fjord, as usual, is really a long, narrow valley filled with water.

According to tradition, there once dwelt in the ‘ Trolgjøl Molaup’ a giantess
(■Gy are0, who was wooed bv a giant (-JutuV) dwelling in the
Raamands-gjel to the S. of Sæbø. One’day she paid him a visit _bv boat, but found
him in so weaklv a condition that she spat at him in disgust and thus
converted him into stone. On her way back she was overtaken by a
storm, and sprang out of the boat between the gaards of Næs and Molaup
with such violence that her foot-print CGygrefetel’) is still to be seen on
the spot. With her other foot she pushed off the boat so vigorously
that it dashed across the fjord, made a deep indentation in the mountain
by Gaarden Slavsæl, and then sank. It still lies there in the form of the
Stavsæidu, a rock where the best fishing in the fjord is obtained.

ybout 5 Kil. (3 Engl. 31.) to the S. of Sæbø is the gaard of Skaar,
with the waterfall of that name. Above Sæbø the .Tørundfjord becomes
narrower and wilder, being a huge ravine bounded by almost perpendicular
mountains nearlv 5000 ft. in height. From Bjerke at the S. end (15 Kil.
from Sæbø: Inn), which lies several hundred feet above the fjord, the
traveller may pav a visit to the Tysse/os, and drive via Rørslad and Rueid
to Kaldvaln, and" thence over the Kviven to Hornindal (p. 184). An
interesting trip bv boat may also be taken to the Raamandsgjel with the
Raa-mand rising to the S. f Husladsnæsel. — Those who wish to see the
grandeur of the fjord properly should go at least as far as Finnæs, a small
and characteristic fishing village, just short of Bjerke. The Tyssefos is
visible from Finnæs.

At Sæbø the Jørundfjord is about 2Engl. M. in breadth.
Opposite Sæbø, at Ganrden Lekners (fine view from the hill above), is
the entrance to the *Norangsfjord, thejonly branch of
theJørund-fjord. To the right rise the Bluahorn (4500ft.), the Japta(5240 ft.),
and the Middag shorn (4353 ft.), on the left the Saksa, Klokseggen,
and Slogen, and at the head of the fjord lies a glacier. The
No-rangsfjord resembles a large and sequestered Alpine lake. On the
right, at the base of the lofty and menacing Stolbjerg, is Stennäs,
with its two gaards. Farther on is the Elgenaafos.

10 Kil. Øie (Phænix Hotel, with 13 rooms, well spoken of),
consists of two gaards at the head of the Norangsfjord. Some of the
interesting houses have the old-fashioned Ljor, or aperture for
smoke in the roof. To facilitate the carrying of pails the peasantry
here use a ‘ITisse’, or leathern strap over the shoulders, with a
transverse piece of wood across the chest, from which the pails
(•Dailf) are hung. The view from the Slogen (5140 ft.), which is
ascended hence with a guide (J. Klok), is said by Mr. Slingsby to
be one of the best in Norway. — Boat from Øie to Sæbø l1/* kr.

From Øie we may drive all the way to Hellesylt, but the road
to Haugen is bad and at places even dangerous. If ‘Forbud’ has not
been sent to Øie, travellers must be prepared to wait several hours.

Leaving Øie, we ascend the strikingly wild and picturesque
*Norangsdal, which forms the prolongation of the fjord. The
road ascends gradually to an upper plateau of the valley with a
series of lakes, immediately beyond which the Nebbedal descends

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