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29 Kil. (IS Engl. DM.) Fetsund, where the train crosses the
hroad Gtommen, just above its influx into Lake Øieren.
(Steamboat every afternoon from Fetsund to Sandstangen, near the S.
end. in 3i/4 hrs.) Vast quantities of timber enter the lake here
every spring on their way down to Sarpsborg and Fredrikstad. The
train now follows the E. (left) bank of the river, which forms
cataracts at places, all the way to Kongsvinger. 42 Kil. Blakjer
or Blaker; 49 Kil. Haga; 58 Kil. Earners. At Næs, 3l/2 Engl. M.
to the N., the Vormen, descending from Lake Mjesen, falls into the
Glommen. The next stations are (67 Kil.) Scetersteen, (79 Kil.)
Skamas, and (87 Kil.) Sander. Then —
100 Kil. (62 Engl. M.) Kongsvinger (480 ft.; *Railway
Restaurant, with rooms to let; Mellerud’s Hotel, Jensen’s, both at a
considerable distance from the station), formerly called Leiren (‘the
camp’), a small town on the right bank of the Glommen, with 1300
inhab., is reached from the station by a long bridge. The now
dismantled Fortress (Fästning; 770 ft.), which once played an
important part in the wars between Sweden and Norway, commands
a tine view.
The railway turns to the S.E. and quits the Glommen. The
Vingersø (475 ft.), near Kongsvinger, and the long lakes near
Aabogen and elsewhere are basins of a now deserted channel of
the Glommen, the old bed of which is followed by the railway
(comp. p. 311).
112 Kil. Aabogen, 122 Kil. Eidsskog, 133 Kil. Magnor, all with
extensive timber-yards. The train quits the district of Vinger,
in which Kongsvinger lies, a little beyond Magnor, and crosses the
Swedish frontier. „
143 Kil. (S9 Engl. M.) Charlottenberg, the first station in
Sweden, and thence to Stockholm, see R. 42.
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