- Project Runeberg -  Norway and Sweden. Handbook for travellers /

(1889) [MARC] Author: Karl Baedeker
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Promenades. Odinslund, between the cathedral and the university:
Slotts-Park; also ’Parken’ on the Pollacksbacke on the S. side of the town,
especially during the drill of the ‘Indelta Armee’. Shady walks on the
W. side of the town. — Views from the Slott and from thecsteps of the
University; finest view of the Cathedral from the Östra Agata, near a
mill-weir’in the Fyriså.

University Collections. Botanic Garden, always open.

Coins and Northern Antiquities, St. Lars-Gatan 2: apply to the

Library, open during the vacation (June 1-Sept. 15j on Tuesdays and
Fridays, 11-1 o’clock, on other days on application to the librarian or to
an ‘amanuensis’; during term-time it is open every week-dav from 10.30
to 1.30. o ’

Linnaeus’s Garden (‘Linnéanska Trädgården’}, Svarthäcks-Gatan 27,
may conveniently be visited on the way to Gamla Upsala.

Mineralogical Collections in the Chemical Laboratory (Nya Kemiska
Bygnaden), Tuesdays and Fridays, 12-1.

Physical Cabinet, in the same building, Wed. and Sat., 12-1.

Picture Gallery (‘Jluséet för Bildande Konst-}, in the Gustaviannm,
to the W. of the cathedral, Sat. 1-2.

Zoological Museum, in the Gustavianum, open on week-days. The
same building contains Marklin’s Natural History Museum (apply to the

Upsala (‘the lofty halls’), the most famous university-town in
Sweden, and the residence of the archbishop, the ‘landshöfding’, and
other dignitaries, with21,200inhab.. lies onbothbanksofthe Fyrisd,
which is crossed by live bridges. The modern part of the town (Staden)
lies on the flat E. bank, while the older quarters (Fjerdingen) are
on the somewhat abrupt \Y. bank. The extension of the town
indicated on the Plan has as yet been scarcely begun. Jt was formerly
called Östra-Aros, and at the period when the kings of Sweden resided
at Gamla Upsala it formed their commercial town and harbour. In
1276 the headquarters of the archiepiscopal see, which had been
founded a century qarlier, were transferred from Gamla Upsala
to the present town, while the kings selected Stockholm as their
future residence. Like Throndhjem in Norway, Upsala may be
regarded as the historical centre of the kingdom to which it belongs.
Anciently it also formed the great stronghold of paganism.
memorials of which abound in the tombs and monuments of the
neighbourhood ; and it was here that the apostles of Christianity
encountered the most determined opposition. Geijer, in one of
his most beautiful poems, ‘Den Sista Skalden’ (the last of the
bards), represents the venerable bard on his return home extolling
the magnificence of the temple of Upsala, beneath the lofty arches
of which Svithiod’s mighty gods were enthroned, and he
afterwards depicts the burning of the sanctuary and the baptism of the
terrified inhabitants in the Fyriså. It is in these historical and
mythical associations that the interest attaching to Upsala to a
great extent consists. The chief modern centre of attraction is
the university, which was founded in 1477.

The ^Cathedral (PI. G, 3) is picturesquely situated on a height
(mons domini) rising above the Fyriså. The exterior, with its two
towers, which were intended to be 3SS ft. in height, has been

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