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(1919) [MARC] Author: Alfred Bergin
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Year of Church |||||||||ÖK 1’nrsonnge Cliurch ftupwK y [-Pnrlsh-loners-] {+Pnrlsh- loners+} Huptlzed Conflrmed Reeclved Removed [-De-ceased-] {+De- ceased+} Exeommunleated [-Mnr-rlugotf-] {+Mnr- rlugotf+} Barled Xonioenibers SOHOOIÆ Pastor
Orgnnlzntlou Ineorporntlon Year of Material Vallie Debt Conimunicnnts Total Xumber Children of Merabera Childm of Non-meinbers Ailulls Hy lutter (Jn Profession C hllilren roiiilnmiicnnts Clilldren Communicants Clilldren Dropped Metnbers Non-liienibers Weeks ^ c Tenehcrs | 5 Seholar» Teachers a | £ Seholars "

Total frotn

1870 to 1900................................................................................................................<Kf 98 14 1.0K7 076 KW IS! 588 01) 288 161 NH 12 üfl................1.1T72 214 5,221 465 8.602

11* 19 .............1SI9 1874 18S1 Stone ll. & lot 37.IWO............1,350 1.S1S 34 7 (i 52 58 17 31 30 7 15 1 30.... 14________6 02 <1 164 40 800 Alf. Hergln.

1010 ............186(11874 1881 stunc Ii. & lut »7, (Klo............1,870 l.ino 20 14 3 35 Hl 1 23 (13 11 16 B ».... 29 I 4 H! 9 204 fiO 1,0351 All. rterRln.

1911 ......... 1869 1874 1881 stons II. & lut 37,u»l I.ONi l.N«i 1 .MW ’il 7 2 46 49 2 17 20 13 13 4 6.... 1H________9 »I 111 191 51 Ull AK. Her|lin.

1912 ............ 1869.1874 18M stone II. & lut 37.0(1»............1,400 1,923 37 14 ..........34 40 .... 12 (B 12 14 2 ................10.... 0 74 8 Wi| 54 SM Alf. Bergll).

1913 ............ IMSM874 ISSl stum- h.& lut 37,00»..........1,41» 1,1150 39 4 ..........38 55 4 27 (il 111 21 4 20.... 1(1 2 10 83 10 UB 00 OIO|AK. Iferffln.

1914 ............ |Wi 1874 1H81| stone h.Ä lut 37,000 1,885 1.400 1.950 30 9..........34 .Ti 4 14 56 8 10 4 ."o.... 18 (I 8 74 !l 16! 06 847 Alf. Uernln.

1915 ..........188B1S74 ’881 stoln* II. A lotso, 200 ............1,401 1.942 32 4 ..........37 43..........14 42 14 20 I SO.... 15 3 5 8» II 182 55 929 Alf. Bergin.

1911! ............ 18m 1874 1881 stone h. 4 lot 40.000 ............I.4ir_> 1,924 II 8 2 30 32 2 2 52 8 17 1 ..............20 (1 5 60 9 140 62 923 Alf. Hergin.

1917 ............ 1809 1874 1881 sterne II.£ lot 40,000 ............1.402 1.927 32 7 ..........28 20 5 5 28 11 24 . 3 ................28 2 2| 64 8 148 01 1,018 Alf. Bei*ftl.

1018 ............1860 1874 1881 stone h.A lot 15,000 ..........1,42: 1,912 27 2 1 20 30 5 111 I» III 31 5 (}.... 13.... fi 74 9 us| 68 1,019 Alf. Hergin.

Total.......’....1........................1..................................I 1.284 108 28 1,452’ 1,007, W2 308 1,028 104 475’ 1»’ 915 12! 4tffi 20 60’ 2,320 308 B.8S6 1,040 17,814

Synod Coufereuee CouBregnllon Kegulnr Total
Synudleul TreaBury Auer. Colleg and Tlieol. Sfinlnri ry Kynodlenl Treasury Home Missions Forelgn Missions 1 Immigrant Mission Pension F|||||I Deaconesa Institute Churcb Kr.tenslon Soeiety Other churitnble Purposes i Institute of Leiirning Misslons Con ference Treasury Old PcoplCs Home Orphnns’ Homo Hospital Otlier l*urpow^s Salnries Otlier Purposes Tq Synod T’ . Confcrenco In
Conpr-cii t lo ii Grand Total

Total from $ ? * * ****** * $ * * $ * * * ?

187» to 1009 210.72 4.241.54 712.16 3,817.99 ...... 1)0.0:..... .-<1.115 21,792.80 10,2»i.97 10.31 .....1.370.22 41.01 11,841.08,23,414.01 123,738.60 9,481.85 13,378.39 147,ID».57 2l«i,012.81

1900 ....... 38.70 113.90.30 409.111 10.15 21.17 8.34 7.70 38.IU »»18.40 749.52...................141.00 ......L. 327.04 | 2,072.00 6,(8*1.19 M4.20 1,827.40 9.3B2.19 UMWl.Ol

1910 ....... 40.50 800.80 207.50 1,056.91 20.80 10.13 12.07 ...... 120.71 9,643.42 918.481......1............206.1)8 ................4, 4»C.88 2,328.00 3,500.82, 2,330.40; 15,280.71 5,834.82 23,4»1,99

1911 ....... 11.10 307.10 140.80 9114.70 20.73 53.10 22.9B 9.14 40.18 3,1170.34 1.160.04 ..........t. 440.07................506.00 2,737.1»! 2,t»».02l 1,500.40! 5.781.9S 5,436.26 12,727.72

1912 ,.,.i... 42.00 200.84 112.00 787,30 10.13 1U0.0S 11.03 38,80 iil.37 2,735.1» 1,332.03 ......................146.79 ...........2Ti(i.S< 2.410.00 3.188.15 1.439.75 4,471.38 5.598.15 11,500.28

1913 ....... 12.00 150.13 21i9. i"5 724.1)0 12.K) 107.80 08.02 31.72 68.30 3.005.’-ti 772.05 ........................170.30 ................129.49 2,400.00 2,961.49 1,1100.77 5,"37.10 5,411.49 12.058.30

1914 ....... 42.(10 103.IM 108.00 715.14 M.U) 120.70 111.311 14.Kl .V2.78 3,843.00 775.05...... 13.1*1 162.28 40.44 88.® 2,71)0.00 2,320.58 1,501.02 4,918.98 5,080.58 11,609.68

1915 ....... 42.00 162.03 ’Jill.13 ØM.fc» Ml.lHl ’"i.O.". I^.Ll) 0.111 38.70 4.290.45 863.36 ...... 27.42 102.2S 32.77. 18.111 2,584.78 2,274.42 1,837.13 5,384.39 4,869.31 12,080.72

1916 ....... 42.08 KU.(»1 340.03 777.43 50.01 110.04 94.21 14.01 113.(17 4,710.74 774.5(1...... 12.05 580.24 41.CO 82.40 3,918.(»I 2.850.13 1.711.40 0,221.10 6,768.13 11,700.78

1917 ..... 12.(1(1 171.20 808.50 860.00 50.08 162.80 87.03 14.(B 303.01 4.439.31 882.66...... 23.28 139.72 81.50 3+4.48 2,090.00 3,281.28 2.495.42 5,910.54 ß.271.28 14,077.24

11/18 ....... 50.(18 170.72 3,16.50 738.1?-’ 81.12 154.96 137.80 14.02 981.14 5,248.80 1,115.25...... 26.00 120.00 110.01 68.29 3.3U2.IW 8.389.80 2.670.96 0,080.35 11,751.90 21,125.20

Total... BIS. 100,087.05 3,636.(TT 11,890.11 462.40 l,üU5.(Sl 704.72 206.S82.180.61 87,067.20.19,610.60 4,08! 112.31 3.060.66 366.01 13, 120.50 51,633.45 111.8U0.14 27.513.56 104,808.44 212,392.50 345,824.59

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