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power—a figure taken from the saga-literature, and
endowed with a warmth and richness of life that the original
barely suggests, a life which the poet infused with his own
personality, in accordance with the precept which long ago
said to the literary artist:
Look in thy heart and write.
So Björnson raised these two legendary figures into the
light of day, looked into his own heart for inspiration, and
made them the mouthpiece of all that was deepest in him
of human sympathy, of devotion to country, and of
religious aspiration. It is not often in literature that one can
see the creative process so clearly at work as when one
compares the scanty and episodical materials furnished by
the Heimskringla with the warm and vital portraiture of the
heroes of these two masterpieces.
Of Björnson’s Arnljot Gelline, H. H. Boyesen says:
“Never has he found a more daring and tremendous
expression for the spirit of old Norse paganism than in this
powerful but somewhat chaotic poem. Never has any one
gazed more deeply into the ferocious heart of the primitive,
predatory man, whose free, wild soul had not yet been
tamed by social obligations and the scourge of the law.”
The first reference Bjornson makes to this poem in his
correspondence is dated October 16, 1859. “I have been
at work ona short story [En Glad Gut], but have laid it
aside to furnish an epic, Arnljot Gellina, for Nyhedsbladets
Nytaarsbog.” But the short story was published a full ten
years before the completed epic saw the light. A week later
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