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The King’s august countenance
Shone with the light of a distant glory seen,
Nothing his gaze now visioned
On earth.
“ Wondrous must be what thou seest,
Lord King!”
Slowly the King then answered:
‘First saw I the land, here before me lying,
In the light of the days so joyous
It gave me.
But saw I ever farther.
Trondelag saw I, blue and yellow it lay;
Yes, saw I the summer over
All Norway,
Fjords with meadows and woods
Among the mountains.
“ Pierced then my gaze yet farther
Out o’er the sea to distant foreign shores,
All that in my life’s springtime
I visited.
Raised in my soul the vision,
With laughter and gladness it filled my heart:
The world entire I lastly
Then beheld.
My spirit it seemed to invoke
As in farewell.”
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