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The King rode about the field,
To life it started.
Met him another bonder,
“Help me, O King, thee my sons will join;
But they are far too youthful,
I bound them.”
Then said the pious King, smiling:
“Release them, friend, and follow in their steps.
So shall ye all come scatheless
From the conflict.”
Father followed sons—and they
The King followed.
Met him then many bonders,
Stood they together, greeted their liege:
“Lord, what guerdon awaits us,
Who follow?”
“In the sight of the Saviour to fall,
Lose your goods, and all ye hold dear,”
Quietly the King answered;
Rode forward.
The bonders weapons them found,
And followed.
Met them three hundred outlaws,
Gathered together from every neighboring part,
But mostly from [amtland’s forests;
Thus spoke they:
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