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There for him were answered
All of the thousand questions;
There his life was transfigured,
Raised to the sunlit uplands,
Dawned then the day of his longings.
And while the host of the foeman
Ranged itself in the distance,
Baptized was Arnljot Gelline,
Served him the King as sponsor,
And all the assembled chieftains.
Fared then Arnljot Gelline
To the van of the royal army,
Where forward yon on the hillside
Torodd bore the King’s banner,
Took he his stand before it.
Spear in hand silver-hilted,
Sword for the mightiest only,
Shield hooked upon his shoulder,
Shining his weapons and armor,
Gleaming his eye on the foe rested.
Stood by the banner behind him
Tore and Afrafaste:
On him they gazed in wonder,
They and their men loud hailed him:
“‘Fight we again beside our chieftain!”
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