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Legler, Henry E., How the Chicago public library is being developed in its industrial and
civic resources. (I Chicago commerce, april 26, 1912, s. 23—27.)
*Lindholm, mari Fay, A review of chief sources of material for special library collections.
(I Special libraries, vol. 4, s. 139—146, sept.—okt. 1913.)
McAneny, George, The municipal reference library as an aid in city administration. (I Library
journal, vol. 38, s. 509—513, sept. 1913.)
McCarthy, Charles, City library as a business investment. (I American library association
bulletin, vol. 2, s. 190—196, sept. 1908.)
*Meyer, H. H. B., Select list of references ön special libraries. (I Special libraries, vol. 3, s.
172—176, okt. 1912.)
Municipal reference library: City of New York. 1913. 35 s.
Ranck, S. H., Municipal legislative reference libraries; should they be established and
maintained as a part of the public library of a city or as an independent department or
organization? (I Library journal, vol. 34, s. 345—350, aug. 1909. Även separat.)
Watts, irma A., List of artides ön municipal reference work. (I Public libraries, vol. 17, s.
164, maj 1912.)
Woodruff, C. R., Sources of municipal material with reference to a clearing house of
information. (I Special libraries, dec. 1911, s. 112—114.)
Wright, Joseph, Bibliographies relating to municipal government. (I National municipal
review, april 1914.)
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