- Project Runeberg -  Botaniska studier tillägnade F. R. Kjellman den 4 November 1906 /

(1906) [MARC]
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car i. skottsBErg

left, support a fine vegetation. ROSENVINGE (1. c. p. 204) nnd BøRGESEN
(1. c. p. 735—42) are quite right in giving these localities a more
independent position, because their vegetation lives under more
sublitto-ral conditions, but nevertheless they have to be described here.

St. 78 B showed basins and caves covered with a calcareous alga,
forming absolutely the most characteristic part of the vegetation. The
formations of the calcareous algæ I here include under the name of
the Lit hop hy Hum-formation after L. discoideum Fosi.lE, the only
species left of my collections. On the Lithophyllum grew Iridca cfr.
cordata and Cladophora sp. They had been frozen in during the winter
and had just got free. At St. 80 B the zone laid dry at low water time
supported an Ulva, forming an association belonging to what I will call the
littoral formation of Chlorophycece. Small spots of a microscopic
organism, of a cm. square, according to a preliminary investigation
Sphce-rella sp., were also observed. The waterpools sheltered the same flora
as described above. St. 4 showed basins with Lithophyllum-formation
(L. discoideum), associations of Urospora sp. and Monostroma
endiviæ-folium. A couple of Florideæ were noted. As sublittoral products were
observed Desmarestia Rossii and Urvilliea (?) sp. n. Further I found
there a quite new alga, seeming to belong to a new genus of
Desma-restiaceæ. The richest littoral vegetation 1 ever saw there was at st.
83 B, where vast shallow basins extended. They contained the common
Lithophyllum-iormation. The Iridca was very richly developed, more
scarcely grew Adenocystis Lessonii, Desmarestia Harv ey ana, Sphacelaria
sp., Urvillæa (?) sp., Gracilaria (Leptosarca) simplex, Plocamium Hookeri,
and Ulva sp. At Cape Neyt on Liège-Island 1 made some remarkable
observations. High up on the cliffs, 10—15 m. above sea-leval were
some pools with Enteromorpha sp. and Spheerella sp. The water was
very slightly salt. Sometimes the surf breaks over the rocks and
sprinkles fresh sea-water on the poor algæ, otherwise they could not
live there. While examining the rocks I discovered a fact that
indicates that the röck may sometimes have a decisive influence upon the
distribution of calcareous algæ. In a crevice in a röck I found a
vertical dike of some softer röck traversing the hard quartz-diorite. In the
tidal region and further down as far as I could see, the dike was
covered with a calcareous alga and very sharply marked, because the
surrounding quarz-diorite was absolutely free from it.

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