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Tlie results show the fact that Phl. arenarium occurs here within the
pH-limits 7.1—8.3 with the meau value 7.7 (I.e.. Fig. 1). The records
of specific conductive power group themselves between 40 and 8(5
(I.e., Tab. 3); the mean value (worked out by the present author) + 60,
recounted in electrolyte standard in niillinormality CaCl2 0.51 (I.e.,
Fig. 1). The Ca-standard is rather high, 17.5—2.8 % CaCOs (I.e.,
Tab. 3), the mean value (worked out by the present author ön the basis
of 19 records) + 12.4 %. The analyses of the mechanical composition
of the soil (I.e., Tab. 4) give in general high values for the soil particles
of the size 2—0.2 mm. The interesting results of Andersson and
Waldheim show very clearly the evident relation of Phl. arenarium to a high
Ca-standard, a neutral-alkaline reaction and a distinet grain size of
the soil. We also refer to the extensive list of literature in the cited paper.

It is really interesting that Phl. arenarium in Northern Europe is
often met with as a characteristic constituent within the plant
commu-nities ön sandy ground that Drude (1902) and Mayer (1914) call
»Sandgrassfluren» and Sterner (1922) »Sarmatian sand-grass heaths»
(detailed description in Sterner 1922, also cl". 1926). In these strongly
marked continental plant communities which in Northern Europe are
almost only to be found in the eastern parts of Scania, in Öland and
Gotland, the western and markedly oceanic Phl. arenarium meets a
great number of pronounced eastern species.

In Öland, according to Sterner (1938, p. 62), Phl. arenarium
appears as a rather hemerophilous species, which is möre commonlv met
with as an apophyte ön sandy roadsides, in sand-pits and in arable
sand-l’ields than in its möre natural habitats.

Within the Mediterranean Area Phl. arenarium seems to act in a
somewhat different way. However, this fact is not at all a stränge or
astonishing one. The Mediterranean Ammophila australis Community
sliows in many other features great differences from its representative
at the Atlantic coast, the Ammophila arenaria — Elijmus Community,
(cf. e.g. Rothmaler 1943, p. 37 ff.). In bis work ön the dunes and their
vegetation in the Gulf of I.ions, Kühnholtz-Lordat (1923) places our
species in bis »Ammophiletum», i.e. the Community ol’ the most
pronounced psammophytes ön the windward sides and ön the crests of the
true driftsand-dunes. Among many other statements in the literature is
to be mentioned the short account by Ginzberger and Maly (1905,
pp. 74—75) which treats the vegetation and flora of a certain locality
of Phl. arenarium at Grado in Istria. Finally should he mentioned the
deviating localities in Morocco which bv Emberger and Maire (1941,

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