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east side there was formerly the great bazaar ; it is
now in ruins as a result of the revolutionary wars.
The English at that time bombarded the town from
five aeroplanes, and are said to have done great
damage. Wc also saw various ruined houses in the
town, but I do not think it is so sure that all this
damage should be put down only to the English.
After håving also visited the Tatar bazaars,
where they were sitting at work, wc drove to the
government building, where, as always in these
great administrative buildings of the Soviet Repub
lic, there sat a crowd offunctionaries in every room,
and there was a never-ending running to and fro.
I have always been puzzled how these people can
manage to work amid all this noise; but perhaps
the truth is that the Russians are wont to make
use of even more persons for the administration
than wc do, and so considerably less work falls on
each one of them. Wc were received by our friend
from yesterday, Tarkhov, who took us over to the
State bank. Here wc were initiated into the work of
the bank, which has as its main object to help the
fisheries; this was done by granting every kind of
fishery undertaking loans on the cheapest possible
terms. Wc were given the clear impression that the
authorities looked on it as of the utmost importance
for the welfare and progress of the community to
foster and support private enterprise, and especially
so among the fishermen.
After lunch had also been served up on the green
table, with caviare, which can hardly be fresher
than it is here in its own home, wc went down to
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