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84 The Century of the Child
gradually be extended. Under a serious con-
viction of woman’s duty as a member of her
sex, it will be regarded as a crime for a young
wife voluntarily to ill-treat her person, either
by excessive study, or excessive attention to
sports, by tight-lacing, or consumption of
sweets, by smoking or the use of stimulants,
by sitting up at night, excessive work, or by
all the thousand other ways by which these
attractive simpletons sin against nature, until
nature finallj’- loses all patience with them.
It must be demanded of the laws of society
that they hinder involuntary crimes of unpro-
tected women against their feminine nature.
This is the great work of woman’s emanci-
pation; everything else compared with it is
non-essential. Through their failure to see
this the present representatives of women’s
rights are working against progress, though
they themselves apply the word reactionary to
all who assert that the only way by which the
woman question as a whole can be solved is
through the social revolution. In this revolu-
tion protective legislation is an important
According to my method of thinking, and
that of many others, not woman but the
mother is the most precious possession of the
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