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(1911) [MARC] Author: John Wordsworth
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divorce and suicide (pp. 20-21). He then mentions the old
Schartauan movement and the new student movement, of
which I shall speak presently, as helps to better things
(pp. 23-27). He recommends careful attention to the
popular movement so as to make it
really educational, and
mentions various books for confirmands and confirmees,
including two of his own (p. 28). A new priesthood is
needed, not merely new priests. Also a new style of
theology. The choice does not lie between the old ortho
doxy and rationalism, but between rationalism and
&quot;modern positive theology&quot; (p. 35). He illustrates this
last by the names of many German professors some well
known in England like Von Orelli of Basel, Zahn and
Caspari of Erlangen and others less known whom we may
be glad to hear of (p. 38). In this connection he mentions
with approval the series of Bibliska tids- och strids-skrifter,
edited by Professor Adolf Kolmodin. I have only touched
on a few of the salient points of this spirited charge, which
has more life and fire in it than is perhaps usual in such
(3) What are the encouraging features of the present
activity of the Swedish Church, and in what
directions do they need to be supplemented?
The encouraging features of the present condition of
Church life in Sweden revealed by the three charges which
I have been examining may be referred to two principal
heads: (i) Those which show increased interest in
church building, church music, church services and the
like, and (2) those which express a new spirit of freedom
and activity in religion, especially in young people and
the clergy. I am glad to be able to add something of im
portance under both heads. It is quite clear that there is
much more of encouragement in popular movements at
work in Sweden than would be gathered from these charges
if read by themselves.

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