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Dr. Emily 2 copies
Mr. Evans, London
Sir William Foulis Bart.
John Robinfon Foulis Efq.
Thomas Fifhburne Efg. Whitby
Robert Fowler Eiqeee- come:
Jonathan Fowler: Efq. Stockton
Charles Grey Efq. M. P.
Henry Gale Efq. Scruton ~
Francis Gibfon Efq. Whitby
Mr. Garth, Durham
Chriftopher Hill Efq. Sunder-
Hendry Hopper Efq. Durham
Anthony Hail, E{g,
ef :
Ralph Hoar Efq. York
William Hatchinfon Efq. FLA. S.
Mr. Havelock, Sunderland
Mr. Hayman, London
Hutton Efq.
Anthony Hopper Efq, Newcaftle
Chriftopher Hopper, Efg. Dur-
Richard Hopper Efq. Durham
Mr. Hunter, Bookfeller, Whitby
Mathew Jackfon Efq Guifbrough
Francis Johnfon Efq. Gray’s Inn
John Johnfon Eig. Gray’s Inn
C. Ibbetfon, Efg. Cocken
Kirkleatham Library
Earl of Lincoln, 2 copies
Sir Henry George Liddell Bare:
4 copies
Lady Liddell, 2 copies
Sir John Lawfon Bart.
William H. Lambton Efq. M. Pa
Ralph Lambton Ef.
William Lowes Efq.
Edward Lafcelles Efq.
Captain Lafcelles
Re v. Rob. Lafcelles, Rector of
Middleton ;
Benjamin Lumley Efq. Stockton
William Leighton Efq. Charlton,
Farl of Mexborough
Countefs of Mexborough
Lord Mulgrave
Vifcountefs Melbourne
Sir Ralph Milbanke Bart.
2 copies
Ralph Milbanke Efq. 2 copies
Hon. Mrs. Milbanke
Sir William Milner Bart. M. P.
Lady Milner :
R. S. Milnes Efg. M, P.
John Milnes Eig. Wakefield
—— Milnes Efg. Thorn-houfe
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