Full resolution (JPEG) - On this page / på denna sida - IX. Diet refuses King’s demands. He retires his camp. Dispute settled. King’s Character and manner of rewarding merit
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a7 WW Ee 2 BY MM,
is hs need oes Co aoe
Stockho lm.
r my wea 2 gave. you an account of the tranfaQions
that have been paffing between the King and the Diet,
I can now inform you that this powerful Aflembly, men,
venerable in office, and ready to oppofe every apparent
principle of defpatifm, refufed to comply with a {cheme
which he laid before them for a general liquidation of the
royal debts,” “A further impropriety of condu@ his Ma-
jefly was guilty of, in attempting to exa@ from his
Country, a more exorbitant Sum to defray (as he faid)
his expences to England, This was equally difapproved
of by the haughty Swedes, who immediately and em-
phatically. pronounced a_ general negative. Further
appeals were then unneceflary, and all addreffes to his
obilinate Countrymen proved ineffeétual,
This difappointment was not well relifhed, and indeed
incurred the royal difpleafure. Being aman of a warm
and impetuous difpofition, his Majefty difmiffed the Diet
Fe with
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