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if fuch they may be called, which we lay upon, and by
the affiftance of fatigue contrived to fleep till morning.
By day we were bit by the Mufqueto-fly and during the
night by infects of a nature equally difagreeable to our
‘feelings. Our faces, legs, and bodies were fo immode-
rately {welled as to render us truly pitiable objefts. We
left that place to free ourfelves from fuch an uncomfort-
able fituation, as early as poflible,
_ On the next. day we arrived very carly at a fmall
Village called Gumboda. Here we were entertained
with an Encampment of Swedith Soldiers which made a
_ very indifferent military appearance. From their awk.
wardnefs and apparent want of difcipline I took them for
fome new raifed Lapland Militia, We flept that night
at Sunana, where we found an excellent Inn, Every
thing, much to our furprife, was uncommonly clean for
that country. The Landlady feemed very defirous ta
pleafe ;. that circumftance could only be gueffed at from
her aftions, as an entire ignorance of the language of
the country rendered any other intercourle impracticable.
= Casale Z — Our
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