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Woe te A SD, 53
Service at Gambelfladen, the parifh Minifter afcended
the roftrum to preach before him, but being overcome
by diffidence, and awed by the prefence of Majefly, re-
turned again to his feat without uttering a word, Here
we vifited the church, which is a {pacious building fu-
perbly ornamented with gaudy grandeur.
The fame night we flept at Grot. The Clergyman of
the parifh was the Landlord. Not far from this place
we obferved two criminals ftretched upon the Wheel for
murder. Capital executions are not common in this
country, and indeed are but feldom infliQed, except in
cafes of murder. On fuch occafions only they have not
yet laid afide the ufe of torture, a proof, among others,
that the Government of Sweden has not yet attained that
degree of refinement which in more fouthern Kingdoms
every where prevails,
The morning following, after pafling a noble river, we en-
tered Finland. The country here is deep and fandy, and of
courfe barren and unfruitful. The Inhabitants are to ap~=
pearance rough, and their manners uncultivated toa great
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