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[pe oD) Hs. Re, Ve
Ig fund, 3. July
E fet “out early in the morning from ‘Sunval and
arrived the fame ev ening at Igfund where we had
been fo hofpitably entertained on our road to Tornao.
The fame Gentleman politely received us again and we
flept at his houfe,
From the neighbourhood of this place were the twe
Lapland Girls taken, , who are intended by Sir H. G. L.
to be fent to England, to fulfl a. particular Engagement
which he had made. As it is my intention afterwards: to
write you a full account of thele females, I fhall pafs over
the fubje@ at prefent, It will then be in my power to in-
form you, how they performed their Journey and Voyage,
how they were received and treated in England, and by
what means they returned to their native country. Cer-
tain itis, we had no difficulty in perfuading them to un-
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