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day, hour and minute but alfo the remarkable motions of
“the heavenly bodies ; and befides thefe, it tells every feftt-
val, whether fixed or moveable, with many other-fingu-
larly curious operations. Near the Altar the Remains
of King Eric fland inclofed in a Silver gilt box, where
they. have refted prose and undifturbed upwards of
three hundred years. ee prdition fays he was flain by the
Danes, ina battle, upon a Sunday, The Enemy ap-
proa ched Upfala when the King was. at his devotions: in
the Cathedral. He would not move till the Service was
over, when he found the greateft. part of the City in the
hands of the Enemy, He made-an aflault, and though
he fell, his People were vittorious, ot
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