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SWF D* EB -N. 119
nels to devour thefe Infeéts, firft nipping off their heads
and wings. The flav our hédéclaréd was of the fineft acid,
father refemblin g that ofa Lemon, My young friend in-
treated me much to follow his example, but I could not
overcome the antipathy which I felt to fuch a kind of food,
ron TT EB Rea AAL,
n,eme«—~<-_, Slachholne,
Wwuex I left this place a month ago, I iti
my return, to lay before you fuch reflelions as
might happen to occur. . I fhall therefore, like a man of
my word, proceed to fulfilthat promife and, as Dogberry
fays in the Play, “ beftow all my tedioufnefs upon you.”
~ Thave pafled fo-large a tra& of country during the laft
’ few weeks that you will naturally expe& to hear fome-
thing of the Agriculture of Sweden. Ifthe knowledge of.
Agriculture could be learned, or by any means attained.
by the Swedifh Peafants; and the large and almoftunlim-.
R : mited
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