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15. Assistance to Russian Subjects and their Defence.—The number
of applications, showing separately, workmen, fishermen, raftsmen,
and students.
16. Mercantile Shipping.-—Cases of changes of crew lists, of wrecks
and damage to ships, sea protests (bottomry, sale of ships, and flag
patents are dealt with by State Consular Officers only).
Examinations of complaints between the captains and their subordinates.
Deserters. Sick sailors, sending them home. Expenses to that
effect and the way such expenses are refunded. Difficulties aiising
in practical Consular service.
17. Assistance to War Vessels.—Deserters, sick sailors, repatriation
of same, expenses and refunding of same. Difficulties arising in
practical Consular service.
18. Assistance in the Extradition of Criminals.—Ordinary practice.
Expenses and refunding of same. Difficulties arising in practical
Consular service.
19. Consular Stamps.—Are the Consular Stamps used and accounted
for properly ?
20. Secret and Confidential Matters.—The way the same are treated
at the Consular Office.
21. Consular Arms and Official Seal.—Does the escutcheon affixed
at the outer entrance of the Consulate bear the Russian inscription of
that office ? Is an Official Seal with the Russian letters used in the
office ?
CHAPTER X.—Commissions from Government.
5 36. [-Commissions-]
sions+} from
Consular Officers are frequently entrusted by the Government,
whose Agents they are, with special commissions : such as the making
of particular inquiries ; the supplying of information on various
matters ; the delivery of communications to persons residing within
their Consular districts ; the serving of summonses issued by Russian
courts of law, &c. &c. In the latter case, it often happens that the
person to whom the summons is issued refuses to accept it. In such
cases a written statement should be obtained from the person or
firm in question, to the effect that acceptance of the summons is
declined, and be sent to the State Consul of the district as a voucher
that the commission has been duly executed. The Consular Officer
should, at the same time, explain to such person or firm that the
refusal to accept and acknowledge the receipt of a summons can in
no way alter the course of justice, while, on the other hand, such
refusal may result in the person summoned being dealt with by the
court as in coniumacia. It is, therefore, plainly in the interests of
such person to receive and sign the summons and to empower an
attorney to defend his interests before the courts in Russia.
Direct communication by post with the persons summoned is
not recommended, as they frequently refuse to give the vouchers
required of them or even to return the documents. If such persons
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