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Passports of
Passports are issued free of all charge to persons proceeding
abroad by order of the Russian Government and on State affairs,
to Russian subjects employed abroad as secretaries to Russian
Diplomatic or Consular Offices,1 and to Russian paupers,2 Russian sailors,
and to youths who have undergone courses of training at Russian
naval schools and proceed abroad in Russian or foreign vessels, and
to members of the Imperial and the Neva Yacht Clubs.3
Those returning from abroad for military service are exempt
from paying their passport duty while staying abroad, if they are in
financial difficulties.
Other persons, on returning to Russia, who find it difficult to pay
the ordinary passport duty, may be given a postponement from paying
the same, for a period not exceeding five years.
Those who have been prevented from returning to Russia by
circumstances connected with the European War, are exempt from
paying passport duty for six months, if they have remained abroad
longer than the term allowed for which they paid passport duty.4
The following persons are permitted to leave the Empire on the
strength of their certificates of identity (plakatny passport)5 :—
1. The captains, mates and sailors of Russian ships, whether
they leave the country on board their vessels or join them at some
foreign port.
2. The crews of ships navigating rivers and men employed in
floating rafts and in conducting transports of merchandise overland.
Deserters whose passports have remained on board the ships
from which they deserted cannot obtain new ones from Consular
Officers. When such a person applies to a Russian Consulate,
requesting to be sent home, in accordance with Art. 296 of the
Russian Trades Regulations, the Consul should address a letter to
the captain of the Russian vessel by which the deserter will be sent
home, setting forth what the man has declared as to his name, his
native place, and the name of the ship from which he deserted, and
requesting him to deliver the deserter to the Russian authorities at
the port of destination.6
Persons leaving Russia clandestinely without foreign passports
cannot obtain one either from the Russian authorities in Russia or
from Consuls abroad. In the event of their wishing to return to
Russia, they must apply to a Russian State Consul for a certificate
to enable them to proceed to their home, which must be presented
to the Russian authorities on the frontier, and in which their
declaration as to name, native place, &c., must be explicitly set forth. The
1 Passport Reg., Art. 199 ; Civil Service Reg., Art. 626. Circular of the
II. Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of 6th July 1899,
2 Letter of the I. Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
4th June 1909, No. 5247, to the Russian Consulate General in London.
3 Passport Reg., Art. 199.
4 Circular of the II. Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
18th March 1915, No. 3297.
c Passport Reg., Art. 1S0.
c See " Deserters."
§§ 73,^74.
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