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Tal». A. (Forts.) Saluvärdet af frivilligt och utmätningsvis såld och
Åren. Älfsborga län. Skuraburg* län. Värmlands läu. Örabro liLn. Väst- manlands län. Koppar- borgs län.
| 1855. ... 4.018.994 4,021,028 4,916,SOS 3.504,917 2.015.310 2.103.282
1856 rÄWl 6,705,236 7.363,1:50 7,564,916 2.2! 7,933 3.436,114
1857 4,1.68,701 6,346.990 1,38(5,772 5,861,113 3:221,870 2,679,42$
. 1858 8,380.050 4.014,998 4,(191,323 4,317,648 2.079.817 1,333,964
1859 3,579.:50.S 4,184,699 3.483.984 3.320,997 1.199,126 1.052.18!*
1860 . . . 4,157.0(>1 3,499.518 3,820.1*21 : ,698:629 1.737.361 988,139
1861 . ... 4,481,693 5,609,020 : 1.726,511 3.701,977 :!,<> 115.1.*71 3,080,846
18<a 4,528,752 4,822,815 3;433,179 3.530,54.-1 1,619.157 3,1015.035
186S a.c)97,»71 4,230,658 3.235.801 •3.703,823 1.873.09:5 1,306,774
1 1864 8,4)1,980 3,080,578 3,429.501 :;j 8:5,758 2.:581.1!*4 1,535.6(17
1865 St.7US.IS7 4,185,233 3,554,739 2,620,714 1,391.434 1,233,173 :
1866 4,104413 4,421,613 :i.l 19,502 3/,ii.<;,? 1,111,8a» 1,154,826
1867 3,976,178 4.492,544 4,879,577 2,108.077 1,527.031 2,248,7(57
1868 . 1.070,380 4.271.135 3.257,760 3.407.431 1.737.578 1.496,527
18(59 19 20 6130,284 3.445.520 4,621.815 1,932.557 1.510.657 :
1870 3,946.694 ii,307,333 3.807,17!) 3,649.893 1.681.808 1.590,1:51
1871 4.584,857 5,232,367 4.327,654 4.089.404 1.746.483 3,111,736
1872 ■1,716,774 6,9:!8,143 6.537,844 4,070.804 2.721.654 6,727.385
187H . . ■1.149,119 7.116,475 8,509,167 13.440,461 5.730.884 7,862,034
1 1874 6.633.838 7.902.197 10,04:5,023 7.586.738 6,374.455) 3,370,80!)
187:> 4,3:56,331 6,71*4,135 8.060,971 3.541.517 2.238.886 2,9!)9,475
1878. .... n,009,!! 78 8^14,657 6,545.218 (1.273,31:1 5.222.206 6,845.543
1877 6,77:1.171 7,400.684 3,979,009 3,741.159 3^163.65!) 7,018.529 i
1878 . 4.911,313 5.718,110 3.821.013 7,056,48:5 3,31! 1.871 2.573,414
187!) 5,164,788 5.52»,485 3.817,431 6.418.8U7 3,220,851 1.72:5.1587
’ 1880 . 5,606,411 6:291.201 5,705.182 4.143,533 3.860,913 2,634,970
1 18’1 . . 5.775,684 7.611.819 4,284,01!) 3,145,180 3:397,644 4,600,138
! 1882 6.358,803 6,743.874 6.519,098 3.823.305 2.319,81)7 4,129,567
1883 5,813,381 7.16S),883 (1,94!*,743 4.550,770 2.307.971 4,684,817
i 1884 ... 5,735.867 7.061,297 2,473.311 5.491,387 2,074,933 3.449,040
ISteö ... 5,480.137 7.790(968 6,233,iöl 2.813,691 2.3*52,257 2.8.58,8:56
1886 5.164,338 6.024,411 3,603,5(0 7.13:1.293 2,100,674 Sl.747.7S59
1887 ....... 6,290,478 7,718,555 4.165,697 5,1!>3,953 2,440,581 3.318.709
1888 . •1,889,162 6,405,209 5.360,011 4.023,957 2.936,552 2,730,7!*)
1888 6,585.603 7,8 59,021» 4.275.681 4.918.057 2,521,934 7.788.S336
1890 5,018,601 7*030.267 5.101.105 4,075.590 3,47-1,528 3.858,641
1891 5,463.118 5.650,967 6.027,319 2.652.03!! ■ U3I>"-.’ 5016,431
1858 5,384.477 6,092,487 5.367.097 3,372:806 2.881.421 3.792.973
| 1893 . . . 6,630.468 7.213.752 1.(587,971 6.( *2*1.71)7 4.53*i:30o 3.958,201
181)4 7.481). 143 10,473,363 7.925,008 4.816,549 4.562,192 1.117.31!)
181*5 6.537.580 4,538,474 4,299,(581 7.833.575 3,089,418 3,852,798
1896 7,485.197 4,(23,510 6,857,721 6.400,804 3,163*27» 4,863,118
181*7 6,601.443 6,784,929 5,973,541 4,991.116 3.0:19.672 6,677,106
’1898 8.733,593 6.106,763 7.28.3,150 il.993.7 U 3.*18!*.i5)7 5,826,851
1899 6:280,164 6.164,1*31* 7,624,1*54 10,900.750 6,057,294 7,761,969
1900 •>.538 4 10 (1,572,274 8,571,120 5,515.599 4.674.084 13,139,181
1901. 6.923,S545 7.356.734 8,652,870 7,942.031 ■l.660:933 6,299.075
1902 6,809.!*5S 7,431,365 7.4:15.X81 8,195.875 3,618,560 4,585.615
100:1 6,7941072 8,83! *J>I 7 8.746,224 8.147.347 {,«!»,010 6,055,821
1904 7.140,604 9,010.1)91 10.732,530 7.017.477 7.386.3*8 5,803.66’’
r.i05 U>»’7.53*: 10,067,868 11.557,783 7,681,590 8,l:t5.S!S6 11,231.251
1906 13.171,476 13,‘.*23.397 21,124.724 11.116,363 8.396.595 7,899,777
1907 10,191,046 12,674.761 15,179,703 10,227.387 6.107,916 | 12,596,948
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