- Project Runeberg -  The esoteric meaning of the seven sacraments. The ancient therapeuts. /

(1910) [MARC] Author: Mary Karadja
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mission ! It inevitably generates the question :
" If
they fail to confer Grace, what is, then, the practical use
of all these ritual functions " ?
The Catholic Church is theoretically right. If
the Sacraments were administered as they ought to
be,—in spirit and in truth,—then they inevitably do
operate in a magical transformation of Man. The ex
opero operate is true if the recipient absorbs the living
kernel ; it is not true if he is merely fed on the value-
less husks.
The correct number of the Sacraments has been the
subject of considerable litigation.
The Church of Rome insists upon the number Seven,
though it has long ago ceased to be aware of the reason
WHY there ought to be seven Sacraments, neither more
nor less.
These Sacraments are
I. Baptism.
II. Confirmation.
III. Eucharist.
IV. Penance.
V. Extreme Unction.
VI. Holy Orders.
VII. Marriage.
They have invariably been mentioned in this order.
There is something very remarkable about that fact.

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