- Project Runeberg -  The esoteric meaning of the seven sacraments. The ancient therapeuts. /

(1910) [MARC] Author: Mary Karadja
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In the Apocrypha, " Life and confession of Asenath"
—which shows indisputable elements of Essene lore

it is stated that Asenath, the daughter of Potiphar
and wife of Joseph, did spend eight days in fasting and
Then the Archangel Michael appeared to her and
announced to her that henceforth she should be reborn,
while eating the blessed bread of life and drinking the
cup filled with Immortality. When she had anointed
herself with the blessed oil of incorruption her name
would be written in the book of life, never to be effaced.
She was further told to put on her bridal gown, " pre-
pared from the beginning of the world."
Michael then disappeared in a fiery chariot drawn
by lightning-like horses.
I have quoted this strange fragment, as it evidently
refers to the Great Initiation and the various phases of
Evolution through which the Human Soul has to pass.

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