- Project Runeberg -  The Floral King: a Life of Linnæus /

(1888) [MARC] Author: Albert Alberg
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86 The Floral King.

Willoughby, and in particular by Sir Hans Sloane,
who had afforded him every facility for his study of
fishes. Now he had to come to Holland, so cele-
brated in those days for learning, to further pursue
his science, and take his degree, but he was in quite
a destitute condition, and Linnzeus, who had himself
experienced the stress of poverty, afforded him every
means of assistance, and the two young learned men
agreed that should death overtake the one, or the
other, the survivor should save the manuscripts and
belongings of the deceased, and consider it a sacred
duty to see the learned researches published.
Albertus Seba, an aged apothecary in Amsterdam,
had published one volume upon quadrupeds, another
upon serpents, and now desired a competent coad-
jutor to assist him with one about fishes, as his
impaired health prevented him from assiduously
applying himself to the task. He had solicited
Linnzus to help him, but he could not spare time,
and Linnzus therefore hastened instead to recom-
mend his friend Artedi, as the very man for the task.
He was accepted, and proceeded with the work,

but one night, when returning late from his hos-

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