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146 The Floral King.
an unclean cattle shed, there will be no sledging in
the winter.
“Nor have we any example that these little
creatures do any harm; tame and wild ducks, the
water shrobba, (Dytiscus), water-bugs, (Cimex
Tipula), water vantsor, (Notoneitz), all make their
food of them.
‘“When one goes a long sea voyage, it often
happens that the drinking water on board becomes
full of them, but when either a few drops of wine or
brandy are poured into a mug of the water, they
immediately die, and sink to the bottom.”
Bishop Svedberg, referred to in this letter of
Linnzus, was born in 1653, on the small country
estate of Sweden, close to Falun in Dalcarlia,
which afterwards came into the possession of
Assessor Morzeus, the father-in-law of Linnzus.
Jesper Svedberg was a man of great endowments,
and deserves a place in the annals of his country ;
his life was in every respect a worthy example to
follow. His ardent faith, however, could not wholly
free itself from the superstitions of his time, and he
often related in his sermons, about persons having
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