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182 The Floral King.
to all who thirsted for knowledge, but just because
of his genial disposition he thought it his duty to
look with parental care to the young strangers who,
alone for his sake, came from far off lands specially
to benefit by his training at the University of
Upsala. And what could be nobler than his re-
nouncing all claim of remuneration from them if
their means were small? To one of these, on
offering him money, he said, “Tell me, candidly,
are you rich, and can you well afford this? Can
you do without this money when you will have to
return to Germany? If so, leave the money with
my wife, but if you are poor, Heaven prevent me
from taking a single stiver from you!” To another
of his disciples he said, ‘‘ You are the only Swiss
who has ever come to me, and it is a pleasure to
teach you gratis all that I know.” This generosity
did not arise from vanity, nor from depreciation of
money; Linnzus had suffered too much real want,
not to be careful of money, but avarice was far from
his nature, he liked to be saving when with good
conscience he could do that, but he loved better still
to help where assistance was needed.
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