- Project Runeberg -  The Floral King: a Life of Linnæus /

(1888) [MARC] Author: Albert Alberg
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196 The Floral King.

beamed rapture and admiration. A vociferous vivat .
accompanied the speaker all the way to his own gate,
and delegates from the students of all the divers
provincial nationalities waited upon Linnezus the
following day in his reception room, sent to express
the concurring reverence of their respective confréres,
and on their behalf to request that the oration,
which Linnzus, the previous day, had delivered in
Latin, might be translated into Swedish, and be
printed at their expense.”

Linnzus refers himself to this his third and last
Rectorship of the University, thus, “during that
period, no student had stood accused, no one had
gambled, no one wore masks, no disturbance was
reported, never before had any term been so quiet.”

Narrow-minded people have charged Linnzus
with being vain and conceited, on account of the
self-laudation which appears in his oft-quoted diary.
But all the favourable expressions he uses are irre-
fragable truths, and he gives utterance to it so naively

and simply, that this is the best refutation against
" these charges, besides, a transcendent genius must

not be measured by the estimates of common men,


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