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220 The Floral King.
Emerentia’s daughter and her husband, and if there
are any more of the family.
“To them all I send mine, my wife’s and children’s
and also grandchildren’s loving affection, and we
will, with united voice, call down the blessing of
Heaven upon you.
‘May God, during this new year, avert all
sorrowful occurrences, and that if we cannot see
each other, with joy we may hear of each other’s
welfare. I live and die,
‘“* My dear friends,
“Your humble and faithful servant,
This letter, a touching expression of patriarchal
affection of the venerable sage, was rescued from
oblivion in’ 1849, when it was met with in the
possession of an old peasant in Smaland, who in
his youth had been a servant of Rector Héok.
This curious old relic, delapidated and worn, has
since been photographed, and the fac-simile dis-
tributed, and has also been inserted in various
Swedish periodicals.
In 1758 Linnzus bought the estate called
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