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funct man was on account of the chemical decomposition
leaving the putrid corporeal remains, and likewise withdrew
its last vital influence from the patch of skin on the nose
aforesaid. It sounds almost ridiculous, but it was no laughing matter for the man with the artificial nose.
On contemplating the other extreme —the astral bodies attached to drowned corpses, confined within sub- merged hulks of wrecked vessels at the bottom of the
seas — will it not suggest to our contemplation, or, at any
rate, to our imagination, that these water-bound sprites,
being tied to these human remnants or bodies, which are doomed to resist decomposition for a much longer, nay, indifferent period, must mean non-liberation or non-sep- aration to them in tiiis saline submarine world, and thus
present to our imagination a lively astral community
within and around the hulks of all submerged wrecks — a kind of ghostly "American Hotel " life, or, as Macbeth has
it, "cribbed, cabined and confined?" A phase of astral
life, I believe, not hitherto invaded from a theosophical
point of view. A weird, uncanny place and phase to con- template, but yet a factor in astral plane, undesirable to dwell long among, unless the prolonged spiritual or astral imprisonment, in comparison with the period pending a new re-incarnation, or mundane existence (in some piscatorial shape, perhaps, taking the watery element into consideration, and that the larger fishes, at least, are by no means devoid of instinct or elementary intelligence and
passions, as witness the furious combats between whales), unless to the astral entities, or consciousnesses, these apalling years may seem only like mere fleeting moments.
Did it ever strike your fancy, as it has forcibly done
mine, that those globular, bloated looking fishes, like round heads, floating about the salt main, frightfullyfer from that, but that the astral body of the de-
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